When we signed up for Comcast, we also received one free year of HBO. At first, I thought it was a pretty worthless freebie; I had no desire to watch Sex and the City, Entourage, or any trash that I thought they showed on those "premium channels." Then I discovered Bored to Death. Bored to Death is the best show I've seen on tv since Mad Men (our other favorite show right now). Seriously, what could be better than Jason Shwartzmann as a moonlighting private detective with Zach Galifianakis as his best fried? Oh wait, did I mention that Jason's boss in the show is Ted Danson? Classic. If you're lucky enough to have a free year of HBO then check it out. But be warned: once that promotion is up, you may find yourself paying the extra ten bucks a month to watch some hilarious television.
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