
Nat's First Backpacking Trip

It was finally time to take all our new backpacking gear on a real adventure. We went up to the High Uintas for an over-night trip. We had really good weather, but most of the trail was like a stream from all the rain and snow run-off. While the hiking was more arduous than expected, we had a great time overall and the area was really beautiful. And Natalie also passed her first wilderness experience with flying colors!

The "before" picture

First river crossing

Hiking in snow...in late June

The second and much sketchier river crossing

Our new gear worked great

We made chicken stir-fry with canned chicken and bell peppers and onions. It was really good!

Natalie crossing the river on the way back. She cried when we had to cross it the first time so the smile was a big improvement

The "after" picture

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! It makes me miss backpacking!! Enjoy is while you can!!
